The Arcade Fires: Live At Red Rocks.
I actually did this. Yesterday, I was picked up from work at 2:30 by my honey. We caught a flight outta SLC to Denver with Upto12 and his woman. Got there in an hour, rented a gas guzzler, check into a hotel and were looking down at the stage at Red Rocks one hour later.
For those of you who don’t know, Red Rocks is one of the most beautiful and classic music venues in North America. It was put on the international music map with U2’s iconic 1983 performance. We’ve always wanted to see a show there, but it can't be just any old band. It has to be a band with some serious passion, you have to have an anthem or two, and apparently you have to be able to boogie to it.
Without a doubt, the 10-member Canadian rocker band Arcade Fire was the perfect primer for a Red Rock virgin like myself. For a venue that’s known for the occasional rainstorm, the weather was flawless; a stunning view of Denver with stars overhead. The crowd was perfect too. Arcade Fire is just big enough to bring in a serious crowd (the place was about 75% filled), but the band is also small enough to only attract the true believers. You know, the one's who will actually stand during the course of a concert.
What does that mean? It means the perfect scenario. The band rocked, the crowd rocked. Never before have I literally been forced to start dancing at a show. The anthemic, hypnotic grooves laid down by the band—just made you move. It was just what you want at a show for a band you love, a few thousand of your closest friends jamming in symbiotic cadence, to the tunes that’ll keep you thumping the rest of the week. The sing-a-long never felt so good.
Best track of the night: Haiti from Funeral, RĂ©gine Chassagne takes the mic on this one. She’s the little musical magician, a cute Canadian version of Gilda Radner who even jumped on the drums for a quite a few tracks (as well as the hurdy gurdy).
I'm glad you've been de-virginized. I popped my cherry with the White Stripes.
Will you be rocking out to AF down in Lehi this Wednesday then? Hoss and I will be holding down the fort on the front lines. Believe it.
I've already got a day of "meetings" planned down at the X the same day.
Hey Kyle,
It's Amy, your cousin, Ryan's sister. Anyway, I've started reading your blog from your link on Ryan's. This post stuck me because the Red Rocks is the absolute best place to see a show! I went there to see 311 in 2000, and it has been my favorite concert of all that I've seen!
Well, it's good to know that you have a blog. I frequent this blogging world regularly, so look for my comments.
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